Vanessa Huang

September 6, 2009

William S. Duffey, District Court Judge
United States District Court
1721 Richard B. Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse
75 Spring Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

RE:  Ehsanul Sadequee. Case No. 1:06-CR-147-WSD-GGB

Dear Honorable Judge Duffey,

I too am writing in plea to shorten Shifa’s time.
You and I both know the tsunami words
courts summon in these letters: in kind request
you please realize his peaceful character, his loving

jihad. My fingers both young and tired
typing daily devotions for just and fair, wrestling
terror of empire’s enemy production, time
longer than rope
now adopted chant

in acceptance. My ears catch sound of bombs
crying, chorus of a thousand Bengali kite-
letters in flight to you. My heart holding prayer
circle for you, resting in the comfort of Shifa’s

eyes on the ground for all living creatures, stomach
a little empty to feel the people who are hungry.

Your honor, the bombs, our kites, your lock and key,
their keepers once home all are chanting
with Shifa’s sisters, mother, neighbors, wife in prayer,
all know his solitary truthchant breath:

I was not then, am not now a terrorist
I was not then, am not now a terrorist
I was not then, am not now a terrorist
I was not then, am not now a terrorist
I was not then, am not now a terrorist

Vanessa Huang

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